Our vision is to build things that make the lives of creatives easier

Our vision is to build things that make the lives of creatives easier

Our vision is to build things that make the lives of creatives easier

I lost the storyboard images 😩


I've uploaded them to the project


Our founding story

Deep in the heart of Germany, there lived an adventurous film producer and manager named Georg. Along with his brave team, Georg was known for creating advertisements and corporate movies for companies all over Europe and beyond. But, despite their great success, there was always a challenge that stood in their way - the challenge of keeping everyone informed about the progress of their projects.

Georg found himself facing perilous obstacles, including messy file versioning, long and confusing email threads, and multiple task and notes management tools. These obstacles were taking a toll on his productivity and the success of his projects. But Georg was not one to give up easily. He knew that there had to be a better way.

And so, with determination in his heart and a glint in his eye, Georg set out on a grand adventure to create a tool that could simplify the process and make everyone's life easier. After many trials and tribulations, Georg emerged victorious, having created a magical tool.

Statuslink was born! With the power of Statuslink, clients could easily see where their project stood, without the headache of sorting through multiple apps or emails.

So, if you're looking for a way to streamline your project communication and live happily ever after, give Statuslink a try.

The end.

Supercharge your project communication

Simplify client communication and file sharing.

Project published

June 29, 2024

Project published on Statuslink.io … show more

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Kick-off meeting

July 03, 2024

Please find below the notes from our kick-off session … show more

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Project complete

July 17, 2024

Changes approved.

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Supercharge your project communication

Simplify client communication and file sharing.

Supercharge your project communication

Simplify client communication and file sharing.

Project published

June 29, 2024

Project published on Statuslink.io … show more

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Kick-off meeting

July 03, 2024

Please find below the notes from our kick-off session … show more

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Project complete

July 17, 2024

Changes approved.

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